In 1915 the company personnel started overhauling the Renault WC ("Reno-220", M-3) aircraft engines of the Ilya Muromets aircraft designed by I. Sikorsky and gained its first experience in aircraft engine repairs. The basis of the aircraft engineering repair system was shaped in 1930s when the volumes of repair of M-5 aircraft engines at Krasny Octiabr reached substantial amounts.
Krasny Octiabr OJSC is an OEM of Repair Documentation and performs repairs for the entire output product mix..
Key Aspects of the Krasny Octiabr Repair System
- Development of repair documentation for the entire nomenclature of output products
- Development and introduction of new methods and production processes for product repairs
- Completion of overhaul and renewal
- Completion of in-situation local repair
- Upgrade of products concurrently with their repairs
- Custom-made repair of basic assemblies for aircraft repair plant’s (ARP)
- Technical follow-up of the ARP operation in RF and abroad
- Supply of spare parts, dedicated equipment and tools to ARP

The company subdivisions carry out product upgrades, improve the quality level and reliability of products being manufactured or repaired, perform revisions and improvement of the repair documentation, develop new repair techniques and provide repair cost-saving.
During repairs, the quality is ensured by:
- availability of a complete set of process equipment and its use for repairs;
- supply of materials and components for repairs from manufacturer-factories in conformity with the quality requirements;
- replacement of all bearings during an overhaul as a mandatory requirement of the repair documentation;
- replacement of parts and assemblies during repairs, when not suitable for recovery, with new ones of the company’s own production;
- application of a scheduled test system for renewed parts within process product assemblies;
- application of a Diagnostics System for Helicopter Gearboxes (DSHG) during helicopter gearbox tests;
- quality and composition of the repair documentation.
The arrangement of in-house repairs meets the requirements of the ФАП-285 Aviation Rules.